Buildr Video Widget
Upload your own videos and use them in Buildr's page buildr. These videos can be set to autoplay, can be muted, and looped! Simple CTA
A simple call to action, with a title, content and a button. Deliver a single message with a CTA, and direct your users to where you want them to go.
Features Hero Widget
This widget has a background image, and you can add a pre-title, title and content. HTML is supported in this content as well.
You can add breaks, or bold things. Additionally, you can add up to two optional buttons! Lastly, you can add icons if you want!
Mobile Responsive
Highly Customizable
Our Team Widget
This widget is created with Buildr's Our Team Widget. You can display your team in several layouts, including this carousel layout below.
Posts Widget
This is Buildr's Posts Widget. You can use it to pull posts from any post type. This includes blog articles, or any post type created by your plugisn. Additionally, you can set posts by ID, set order priority, pull specific categories, tags and more!
The Last Theme You Need to Learn
We have built what we believe is the easiest theme to use, with tons of customizability, and features that users are only used to getting in a paid or premium… Read more
Create Websites with Buildr’s Page Builder
If you have used WordPress themes in the past, then you certainly have at some point hit this common issue: You like what you see, but you want to change… Read more
Starter Presets are One Click Away
Every theme on WordPress works the same way: You install the theme, then spend a few hours customizing it until you decide if you love it, or you delete it… Read more
Buildr Slider Widget
This is the slider widget which you can use to add 1-6 images, each with it's own title, subtitle and caption. Each slide can have it's own button as well, and you can control the overlay tint between the image and the text.
Get Buildr ProBuildr Slider Widget
A different and unique caption for each slide. Unique button and link for each slide as well.
Buildr Pro PricingBuildr Icon CTA
Select one of 900+ icons, set alignment and location easily with the Icon CTA.
Go ProBuildr Map Widget
Add a map to your site, with or without content next to it.
Make a reservation today!